Divine Stone

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1 reply on “More John Angel Videos”

Tom Fedoreksays:• Edit

I may be able to shed some light here. 

As for the relief sculptures in video 1, the first one depicts Christ before Pilate (the bald guy). It is in the north portal. The Nativity shown in the film is more elaborate than the one Angel did for the south portal. It may be an earlier version of it, or perhaps a piece he did for a different project altogether.

The figure above St Lawrence seen in the video 2 is the sibyl Cimmeria. Sibyls were oracles, priestesses of Apollo who prophesied at holy sites around the ancient Greek-speaking world. Some of their prophecies were preserved and gathered into books. Christian scholars who studied the Sibylline Books during the revival of classical antiquity in the Renaissance imagined they had discovered prophecies of the New Testament in these pre-Christian writings, just as they found foreshadowings of the New Testament in the writings of the Hebrew prophets. Sibyls appear in Renaissance art, often accompanying the Hebrew prophets, most famously in Michelangelo’s frescoes for the Sistine Chapel.

Recent Comments of Note
Sybil Cimmeria with Horn

The upper rank of the north portal depicts eight of the twelve sibyls, identified below by their names and attributes and listed in order beginning with the panel above St Thomas Becket and proceeding clockwise to the panel above St Denis:

Cumaea (sponge) – Jesus given a sponge filled with vinegar while on the cross
Europa (sword) – Herod’s slaughter of the innocents
Agrippa (scourge) – the scourging of Jesus by Roman soldiers
Libyica (torch) – Christ the light of the world
Cimmeria (horn) – Jesus nursed by Mary (the horn was the baby bottle of the ancient world)
Hellespontica (cross) – the crucifixion
Phrygia (banner) – the resurrection
Persica (dragon) – Christ’s victory over Satan, sin and death 

Some of John Angel’s sibyls appear with the books of their prophecies.

Not depicted in the north portal: Erythraea, Samia, Tiburtina, Delphica.

Tom Fedorek

2 replies on “Vintage Drawing Discovered”

Wayne kemptonsays:• Edit

The thing that attracts me the most to this layout by Heins and LaFarge lies at the corner of Cathedral Parkway (110th St) and Morningside Drive. It is a dramatic stairway leading from that corner to what would have become the South Transept entrance to the Cathedral. The idea was first floated that people strolling in the northern area of Central Park would look west and see the cathedral. They would then promenade down Cathedral Parkway and up the staircase, creating a natural connection between the two.

Vintage Drawing Discovered
1903 Drawing in Colored Ink, Cathedral St. John the Divine, Heins & LaFarge Architects

Tom Fedoreksays:• Edit

Kudos to Steve Boyle for his sharp eye and his generosity in donating this valuable artifact to the cathedral archives. It is quite intriguing to see where H&L planned to put the auxiliary buildings. Synod House eventually wound up in the opposite corner of the Close. The Deaconesses Institute (the current Diocesan House) also moved from the north side to the south.

Most interesting is the grand staircase rising from the SE corner of the Close to the south transept. I’d guess that H&L anticipated that most visitors would travel to the cathedral via the 110th St station of the 9th Ave elevated train, one short block away. The el was the only mass transit serving the area in 1903; the Broadway IRT would not open until the following year and the 8th Ave IND until 1940, when the el was demolished. The staircase may also be a vestige of H&L’s 1891 design, which had the cathedral on a north-south axis with the main entrance on Cathedral Parkway.

1 reply on “John Angel, Sculptor”

Tim de Christophersays:• Edit

I don’t know if you’ve gotten my past comments, so forgive me if I’m being redundant. 

I wrote a while back to say I was employed at St. John from 1990-92. I am currently a full time fine-art sculptor. My Grandfather, Leopold de Christopher (de Christofaro) was a stonecutter from Italy who ended up in Philadelphia. He was from the same town as Eduardo Ardolino, Torre le Nocelle. It turns out I am cousins with Eduardo.

Divine Stone

Vintage Drawing Discovered

Vintage Drawing Discovered
1903 Drawing in Colored Ink, Cathedral St. John the Divine, Heins & LaFarge Architects

A vintage drawing was discovered in a New York flea market by Master Mason Stephen Boyle. Having worked on the Cathedral for many years, he could instantly identify the drawing. This precious artifact is now on its way to the Cathedral Archives, a gift from Steve.

At the time of the drawing, the images below represent what was happening on the ground.

The bold black in the drawing represent the foundation piers in place in this plan view in 1903.

Vintage Drawing DiscoveredFoundation Piers in place at time of drawing.

The Cathedral Close turned out differently as did the the Cathedral. A shift occurred around 1911. The brief love affair with the eclectic Byzantine/Romanesque/Gothic design elements faded in favor of French Gothic and many changes occurred. In plan view, you can see one of them, the length and width of the Nave.

The vintage drawing discovered by the Master Mason is a valuable record for the history of the Cathedral.

Heins & LaFarge

The pair met at M.I.T. during their studies. They established their partnership in New York in 1888. The young firm won the commission for the Cathedral in 1891. Heins was the field man, the builder. LaFarge was the principal designer.

In its design for the Cathedral, Heins and LaFarge employed a centrally massed plan. It consisted of a prominent crossing tower, an apsidal end, apsidal chapels and rounded transepts. The exterior combined round-arch Romanesque and Byzantine elements with Gothic Details. The interior contained many Richardsonian Romanesque touches, named after their mentor Henry Hobson Richardson.

Heins and LaFarge’s inspiration was Santa Sophia in Istanbul, St. Mark’s in Venice and St. Front in Perigueux, France. The design epitomized the eclecticism that defined the architecture of that era, which favored the exotic over the didactic to solve contemporary design dilemmas. It tried to capture some of the character of European cathedrals which were built over long periods of time and contained elements of many styles.

Divine Stone

Bishop Potter’s Tomb

Bishop Potter's Tomb
Bishop Horatio Potter’s Tomb, Founder of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Bishop Horatio Potter (1802-1887) was the Cathedral’s Founder. Additionally he was the sixth Bishop of New York. In 1872 he secured the requisite permissions for the Cathedral. The architect for Bishop Potter’s tomb was Thomas Nash and the sculptor was Isidore Konti. The English Gothic style of the 15th century is apparent. Specifically, studies of the tomb of Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey influenced the design.

The sarcophagus, the recumbent figure of the Bishop and the figures of the five ornamental niches of the front are of Indiana limestone. The figures, from left to right are Edward the Confessor, St. Remigius, St. John the Divine, St. Isidore and St. Theodosius. Bishop Horatio Potter’s tomb is located in the Ambulatory between the fourth and fifth great pillars opposite the entrance to St. Saviors Chapel. Its position directly behind the High Altar is that traditionally reserved for the Founder of a cathedral. The Bishop’s remains were transferred here from Poughkeepsie on St. John’s Day in 1921.

Isidore Konti

Isidore Konti (July 9, 1862 – January 11, 1938) was a Vienna born sculptor. He entered the Imperial Academy in Vienna at age 16. In 1886 he won a scholarship to study in Rome for two years. Later upon returning to Austria, Konti worked as an architectural modeler. After moving to America and working on the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, he eventually moved to New York City. In New York he began working as an assistant to fellow Austrian expatriate Karl Bitter. Like many sculptors of that epoch Konti created architectural sculpture. His skills as a modeler kept him in much demand. Accordingly in 1906 The National Academy of Design elected him an Associate member and he became a full Academician in 1909. Konti died in Yonkers, New York.

Isidore Konti

Another Bishop Potter’s Tomb

In September 1883, his failing health forced Bishop Horatio Potter to ask for an assistant to relieve him of administrative tasks. As a result the Diocesan Convention elected Henry Codman Potter. Henry C. Potter was the nephew of Bishop Horatio Potter and at the time was rector of Grace Church, New York.

After Horatio Potter obtained the charter for the cathedral, nothing more was done until the episcopate of his nephew. When Henry Potter became assistant bishop, he convened the Trustees to address the property issue. Earlier a board of trustees was convened to purchase property below Central Park. Several donors were secured but after the Panic of 1873, they could no longer contribute. This time, in 1887, they chose a site in Morningside Heights, the highest ground in Manhattan. On December 27, 1892 he laid the cornerstone. In the the winter of. 1896-1897 Bishop Henry Potter worked full time raising money for the Cathedral.

Bishop Potter's Tomb
The Tomb of Bishop Henry Codman Potter – Seventh Bishop of New York. Library of Congress, Bains News Service ca. 1915

This Bishop Potter’s tomb is located in the Chapel of St. James. The tomb is carved from Siena marble. On the tomb is a recumbent figure of the Bishop in Seravezza marble. The finely carved figure was sculpted by Mr. James E. Fraser.

James Earle Fraser

James Earle Fraser

James Earle Fraser (November 4, 1876 – October 11, 1953) was born in Winona, Minnesota. Fraser began carving figures early in life from pieces of limestone scavenged from a stone quarry close to his home. He attended classes at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago In 1890. He also studied at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts and the Academie Julian in Paris in the late 19th century.

His architectural sculpture and monuments adorn many locations in New York and Washington, D.C. As a result Fraser became one of the most prominent American sculptors of the first half of the 20th century. If you check your pocket change, you may be carrying around one of his sculptures. He designed the Indian Head Buffalo nickel.

Indian Head nickel designed by James Earle Fraser
1913 Indian Head nickel designed by James Earle Fraser
  • Among other sources we relied heavily of various editions of A Guide to the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in the city of New York, by Edward Hagman Hall
Divine Stone

Tom Fedorek’s Guide to the Portal of Paradise

Tom Fedorek's Guide to the Portal of Paradise
29 Figures Carved between 1988 and 1999 at the Main Entrance to the Cathedral

Tom Fedorek became a docent at the Cathedral in 1984. He knew Alan Bird and several of the cutters and carvers. He is now the Senior Volunteer Guide. His video presentations on the Portal of Paradise are must see and hear. They cover the history of this 12 year endeavor, the design elements and the people who worked on it. Additionally, the biblical connections are defined. Each of the four episodes are important. If you don’t have time at one sitting for them all, please come back. Enjoy Tom Fedorek’s guide to the Portal of Paradise.

Episode 1 – 8 minutes, 12 seconds

Tom Fedorek's Guide to the Portal of Paradise

Episode 2 – 13 minutes, 53 seconds

Tom Fedorek's Guide to the Portal of Paradise

Episode 3 – 13 minutes, 39 seconds

Tom Fedorek's Guide to the Portal of Paradise

Episode 4 – 15 minutes, 58 seconds

Tom Fedorek's Guide to the Portal of Paradise

In this last video, there isn’t the usual discussion of the base for the final statue, that of John the Baptist. We asked Tom to tell us about the carver of that base and its symbolism. Here is what he told us.

John the Baptist Base stone
Base stone of John the Baptist statue

“The base stone was carved by Jean-Claude Marchionni. JC’s work tends to be busier and more roughly textured than Simon’s.

“As for the symbolism, Isaiah writes of the prophet called to announce the coming of the Lord and the deliverance of his people from exile: ‘A voice cries: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God’. (Isaiah 40:3) The Gospel writers understood John the Baptist, the immediate forerunner of Jesus, to be his prophet. All four Gospels refer to John as ‘the voice of one crying in the wilderness.’ “

I believe we are intended to interpret the ears on the base stone as the world waiting expectantly to at long last hear the voice prophesied by Isaiah

– Tom Fedorek

Lastly, of note is the small dog with the camera around its neck. The dog’s name is Cooper and celebrates both Martha Cooper, a photographer who documented the portal carving project for four years, as well as the thousands of camera-toting tourists who flock to the Cathedral each year. This concludes Tom Fedorek’s Guide to the Portal of Paradise.

Dog with camera next to the Statue of Ester
  • We are indebted to Tom Fedorek for his presentations and his knowledge of the Cathedral, and the overall work of the Department of Education and Visitor Services.
  • As well, our gratitude to Ruth Whaley, Manager, Community and Educational Initiatives for the work that they do.

Divine Stone

Mary Bloom: Photographer

Mary Bloom
Mary Bloom Image from the Stoneyard – Photo Courtesy of Pamela Morton

We are saddened to learn of the passing of Mary Bloom, photographer. Mary was a photographer-in-residence at the Cathedral for twenty years. Her many images documented the events and people who came and went during those times. Her time at the Cathedral coincided with the Dean Morton Era stoneyard and of course she photographed that as well.

Nelson Mandela was one of the distinguished people who came to the Cathedral. While she could have photographed him anywhere in that magnificent building, she led him to the stoneyard. There, she placed him by the carving of his likeness. She said she wanted the stone carver to know that Mandela had seen the carving.

Mary Bloom
Nelson Mandela with the Emmanuel Fourchet Carving. Image from the Recently Published Book A Cathedral for the 21st Century. Photo – Mary Bloom
Manu Fourchette
Manu Fourchet Carving the Mandela Portrait – Photo Robert F. Rodriguez

Feast of St. Francis, the Annual Blessing of the Animals

For 30 years, on the first Sunday in October, the Cathedral holds the Blessing of the Animals. It was this past Sunday. Mary was one of the c0-founders, an event that Dean Morton brought to life. Most years she organized the procession up the great aisle to the altar in the central crossing.

Mary Bloom Photographer
Blessing of the Animals – Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Additionally, Mary spent many years as the staff photographer for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

Along with Robert F. Rodriguez, Martha Cooper and Deborah Doerflien, Mary Bloom – photographer preserved the visual story of the Cathedral and the stoneyard. For this we are grateful.

Mary corresponded with us a month ago saying that she was again starting to scan the images she wanted to share with us. In closing, she said “Sorry for the delay…life gets in the way.”

We hope she is now being greeted by the throngs of animals she adored.